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Idyll is another static site generator like Jekyll. Idyll also takes markdown text files and converts them into a complete website. Unlike Jekyll, Idyll incorporated the ability to create interactive web documents. It allows you to write documents using a simple markup language that mixes HTML and Markdown, while also incorporating interactive components using ReactJS. Idyll is great for creating data-driven stories, interactive tutorials, and other documents where user engagement and interactivity are key.


To use Idyll you must first install it using npm. If you don’t have npm or Node.js, first install it by following the instructions below.

If you are using Windows or MacOS, use one of the installers from the Node.js download page. Be sure to install the version labeled LTS (Long-Term Support).

If you are using a Debian Linux/Ubuntu Linux distribution, you can install Node.js using the apt package manager.

  1. Start by refreshing your local package index:
     sudo apt update
  2. Install Node.js:
     sudo apt install nodejs
  3. Verify that the installation was successful:
     node -v

    You should be presented with the version of Node.js that you just installed.

  4. Install the npm package manager:
     sudo apt install npm

To install Idyll and create a basic Idyll project, simply run the following commands.

npm install -g idyll
idyll create

You will be asked to provide a name for your project.

After the project has been created, navigate to the root of the new folder and you will see the following files:

  • index.idyll: the main Idyll file, write your markup text in here
  • styles.css: add any custom styles
  • components/: any componenet defined in this folders can be used in the Idyll markup
  • data/: if you want to include a dataset in your project (supports CSV or JSON)
  • static/: A folder for static file such as images
  • package.json: this file contains all the configuration for your project

You can build your project in the root of project directory and run idyll. This will build the development website and serve it at http://localhost:3000.