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Override minima stylesheet

Let’s say we want to add some custom stylesheet changes.

“To modify any stylesheet, you must take the extra step of also copying the main sass file (_sass/minima.scss in the Minima theme) into the _sass directory in your site’s source.” Jekyll Doc

In your Jekyll folder:

  1. Create a _sass folder and add a file in it called custom.scss.
  2. In the custom.scss file add all your custom stylesheet changes and save it.

    Example of custom.scss stylesheet changes to customize the site header and footer:

     /* General custom stylesheet */
         * {
             box-sizing: border-box;
             margin: 0;
             border: 0;
             padding: 0;
             text-decoration: none;
             list-style-type: none;
         /*Site header*/
         .site-header {
             background: #fff;
             padding-top: 24px;
             padding-bottom: 16px;
             border-top: none;
             margin: 0 auto;
         /*Site title*/
         .site-title {
             font-size: 2em;
             letter-spacing: 1px;
         /*Site footer*/
         .site-footer {
             border-top: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
             padding: 30px 0;
             background: #adc1c7;
         .wrapper {
             max-width: none;
             padding-right: 0;
             padding-left: 0;
         .blue-background {
             background: #adc1c7;
             color: white;
         .yellow-background {
             background: #ebe6c8;
         .page-content {
             padding: 0;
         .post-content {
             margin: 0;
         .page-wrapper {
             margin: 0% 6%;
             padding: 40px 0;
  3. Create an assets folder and add a file in it called main.scss.
  4. In the main.scss file add two lines, one is to load _sass/minima.scss file and the other is to import the custom.scss file as shown below:
     /* load _sass/minima.scss */ 
     @import "minima";
     @import "custom" 
  5. Build the site and make it available on a local server to check your changes.
     bundle exec jekyll serve
  6. Browse to http://localhost:4000.